Sunday, November 22, 2015

Shrub club experiment No. 2

Hello Shrub Clubbers! Here's a salty ocean experiment! 

What You Need:

  • A wide plastic bowl
  • A smaller jar or glass for collecting the clean water
  • A large piece of clear plastic—plastic wrap works
  • String or rubber band to hold plastic in place
  • Stone
  • Salt
  • Blue food coloring (optional)

What You Do:

  1. Mix salt into some tap water and put the salty water in the bottom of your bowl. 
  2. Place your jar in the middle of your bowl. Make sure the water is below the height of your jar.This would also be the time to put the blue food coloring in. 
  3. Cover the bowl with the plastic wrap. Make sure that it's secured tightly at the edges. Use a string or rubber band to seal off the edges.
  4. Place a stone in the middle of the plastic wrap just above your jar.
  5. Carefully move your salty sea solar still into the sun and let it sit for about half an hour.
  6. After the salty sea solar still has been out in the sun for a while, return to it and record your observations.
  7. After a few hours, when you take your salty sea solar still apart, taste the water in the jar. What happened? Did you notice drops of water appearing on the inside of the plastic? Where did they come from? 

Shrub club experiment No. 1

Welcome! This is Sun here! Do you want a cool shrub club experiment? (Say yes!) Well then, keep reading!

What you need
- love of science
- a magnet
- a disposable bowl
- some water
- a buoyant thing 
- and a love of fun!

Step one

Take your bowl and pour water into it. 

Step two

Put the thing that floats (a slab of wood, some plastic, etc.) into the water

Step three

Lay the magnet on the thing that floats

Step four

Label the sides North, South, East and West according to the directions. 

Step five

Watch your cool homemade compass! 

Halloween Costumes

Please send in pictures of your family's costumes this Halloween on the blog. I'd love to see your costumes!

- Sun
