Saturday, March 28, 2015

Save the Pandas!

Persuasive Essay Response from Radish:

  I do not believe people should cut down bamboo trees in China.

  My reason is that when you cut down bamboo trees in China you endanger panda bears. Bamboo trees are a panda bear’s main food. 100 panda bears are in captivity and only 1600 are in the wild. If they cut down bamboo trees, the panda bears could be extinct.

  I think if they cut down bamboo trees they should plant more.

  Yes, they grow fast- up to 7 inches a day. They are strong. They can hold a lot of weight. According to, “tensile strength of plated bamboo cables is as strong as or stronger than a steel cable of the same size.”

  Bamboo can also be grown in other places, just about anywhere, even places as cold as Iowa. Builders can grow and cut down the Bamboo there instead of China.

  I believe people should cut down bamboo in other places besides China. Bamboo is strong and grows fast, and it can grow just about anywhere. It’s a panda bear’s main food. When you cut bamboo in China, you endanger Panda bears. These reasons are why I believe people should not cut down bamboo trees in China.

1 comment:

  1. Good job using a reference from a website, Radish!!
