Sunday, April 26, 2015

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Global Warming

Hello! This is Clover here with the Shrub Club News! This time it's about Global Warming! 

Global Warming is caused by a substance called CO2. That's what makes the things that makes your  life so good for you. The CO2, also called greenhouse gas, tries to escape the Earth's atmosphere, but it cannot. Then it traps all the heat and ends up making everything hotter. It acts a little like a supervillian to the Earth. This is why it's bad. According to,  this is bad because temperatures have gotten more than 1 degree higher in the past 140 years. That's bad because someday  in the future, things could be a lot hotter and bad for animals and plants and eventually animals could all be extinct!!!!
Okay, so now to the assignment. Your assignment is to design a poster that goes with this topic:

Save the World!
 Goodbye for now!!!! See you again!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Save China's Animals

Persuasive essay response from Hawk: 

I do not think people should cut down bamboo trees. When you cut down bamboo trees, lots of animals are endangered. 2 major ones are the panda and giant panda. The panda and giant pandas are almost exactly alike except for size. They live in the bamboo trees and even though they grow fast and are strong, backing you up, Radish, There are not many pandas left in the wild! They only live in a small area and bamboo can grow everywhere!! (Except Antarctica) Now that's just sad! You can't cut down bamboo trees, or the animals that live there might be extinct!

Image result for pandas